讲座题目:Family Business Research in Asia: Review and Future Directions
讲座时间:2023年12月20日 14:30-16:30
方汉青,美国密苏里科技大学副教授,国际家族企业研究知名学者,目前担任Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice的编委。 方汉青副教授专注于研究家族企业的战略管理与创新创业,成果发表于Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice,Journal of Management Studies,Journal of Product Innovation Management等创业与创新类学术期刊。2017年,方汉青副教授获得Family Firm Institute(FFI)最佳论文奖。2019年,方汉青副教授被评为家族企业创新领域最高产与最高引用的全世界第5位。2019-2020年,方汉青副教授成为Family Owned Business Institute(FOBI)scholar-in-residence。
Three components,Goal –Governance – Resource (Chrisman, Sharma, Steier, & Chua, 2013, ETP ), and their interactivities capturing the heterogeneity of family business population. What we find in Asia is not consistent with western findings, also we are not able to find comparable studies in western family business scholarship. A detailed analysis for the comparisons are discussed by Governance as IV- Performance as DV, Governance as IV- Firm Behavior as DV, Governance as DV and resource as IV.